HomeBooks for the Beekeeper

Books for the Beekeeper

This is a list of books that our local club had. We gave some to the library and I am housesitting the rest. Some are outdated, others may have a slant and some of them may have mistakes, but all are good reading if you are serious about beekeeping. This is a link to NOPBA, our local bee club that meets every second SUNDAY in Port Angeles, WA. We also used to have a great newsletter but it and the library were rarely accessed. So sad. 

Out of date, but a wonderful read. I learned so much from them.

A – B

A-Z Beekeeping with the Slovenian hive

Author: Janko Bozic

ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture

Author: Roger A. Morse, Kim Flottum

The Art & Adventure of Beekeeping

Authors: Ormond & Harry Aebi

The Backyard Beekeeper

An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Keeping Bees in your Yard and Garden
Author: Kim Flottum
Publisher: Quarry Books

The Backyard Beekeeper’s Honey Handbook

A Guide to Creating, Harvesting, and Cooking with Natural Honeys

Author: Kim Flottum
Publisher: Quayside Publishing Group, 168 pages

Bee Culture Magazine

 Bee Equipment Essentials

Author: Ed Simon
Publisher: Wicwas Press 2011, 144 Pages

The Bee Hunter

Author: Georg Harold Edgell
Kessinger Publishing® LLC (Original Publication 1949) 49 Pages

 Bee Removal (DVD)

Author: Bill Owens
Publisher: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm

Bee Sex Essentials

Author: Lawrence John Connor
Publisher: Wicwas Press, LLC 2008, 152 Pages

The Bee-Man of Orn

Author: Frank Richard Stockton
Publisher: Candlewick Press

The Beekeeper’s Handbook, 2011

Author: Diana Sammataro, Alphonse Avitabile
Publisher: Cornell University Press 2011, 308 pages

The Beekeeper’s Handbook, 1998

Author: Diana Sammataro, Alphonse Avitabile
Publisher: Cornell University Press 1998, 190 pages

Beekeeping for All

Author: Abbé Emile Warré
Translated by Patricia and David Heaf
Publisher: Northern Bee Books 2007, 162 pages

Beekeeping for Dummies

Author: Howland Blackiston
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Beekeeping: The Gentle Craft

An Introduction To One Of The Oldest Most Beguiling Cultures Of Man

Author: John F. Adams
Publisher: Wynwood Press, 182 pages

Bees: Tales from the Hive (NOVA video)

Author: Wolfgang Thaler, Herbert Habersack
Publisher: WGBH NOVA, 1998

Bees, Hives, Honey! Beekeeping for Children

Author: Tim Rowe
Publisher: Green Hat Books, 88 pages

Bees in America

How the Honey Bee Shaped a Nation

Author: Tammy Horn
Publisher: The University Press of Kentucky, 2015, 333 Pages

Beeswax Molding and Candle Making

Author: Richard Taylor
Publisher: Linden Books, 38 pages

A Book of Bees

Author: Sue Hubbell
Publisher: Ballatine Books, 193 pages

Breeding Super Bees

Author: Steve Taber
Publisher: The A. I. Root Company

C – F

Comb Honey Production (DVD)

Author: Ed Buchanan
Publisher: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm, 2012

 The Compleat Meadmaker

Home Production of Honey Wine From Your First Batch to Award-winning Fruit and Herb Variations

Author: Ken Schramm
Publisher: Brewers Publications, 212 pages

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Beekeeping

Everything the Budding Beekeeper Needs for a Healthy, Productive Hive

Author: Dean Stiglitz, Laurie Herboldsheimer
Publisher: Penguin, 224 pages

Constructive Beekeeping

The Classic Guide for the Practical Beekeeper

Author: Ed H. Clark
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Cooking with Honey

Author: Hazel Berto
Publisher: Gramercy Publishing Co., 234 pages

A Country Year

Living the Questions

Author: Sue Hubbell
Publisher: Random House 1986, 240 pages

Extracting (DVD)

Author: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm
Publisher: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm

A Field Guide to Honey Bees and Their Maladies

Author: Maryann Frazier
Publisher: Pennsylvania State University, 86 pages

First Lessons in Beekeeping, 1947

Author: C. P. Dadant
Publisher: American Bee Journal 1947, 127 pages

First Lessons in Beekeeping, 1976

Author: C. P. Dadant
Publisher: Dadent & Sons 1976, 130 pages

Following the Bloom

Across America with the Migratory Beekeepers

Author: Douglas Whynott
Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 246 pages

Following the Wild Bees

The Craft and Science of Bee Hunting

Author: Thomas D. Seeley
Publisher: Princeton University Press, 164 pages

Free Bees for You! (DVD)

Author: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm
Publisher: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm

G – H

Garden Way’s Practical Beekeeping

Author:Enoch H. Tompkins, Roger Griffith
Publisher:Garden Way Publishing 1977, 218 pages

The Hive and the Honey Bee Revisited

An Annotated Update of Langstroth’s Classic

Author: Roger Hoopingarner Ph.D.
Publisher: Bee + Books, 482 pages

The Hive and the Honeybee, 1992

Author: A Dadent Publication
Publisher: Dadent & Sons 1992, 1,324 pages

Hive Management

A Seasonal Guide for Beekeepers

Author: Richard E. Bonney
Publisher: Storey Communications 1990, 152 pages

Homegrown Honey Bees

An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Beekeeping Your First Year: From Hiving to Honey Harvest

Author: Alethea Morrison
Publisher: Storey Publishing 2013, 160 pages

The Honey Bee

Author: James L. Gould, Carol Grant Gould
Publisher: Scientific American Library, 239 pages

Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping

Author: Dewey M. Caron, Lawrence John Connor
Publisher: Wicwas Press 2013, 368 pages

Honeybee Democracy

Author: Thomas D. Seeley
Publisher: Princeton University Press 2010, 273 pages

I – N

Increase Essentials

Nuclei, Management, Wintering

Author: Lawrence John Connor
Publisher: Wicwas Press 2006, 176 pages.

Keeping Bees

Author: John Vivian
Publisher: Williamson Publishing Co. 1986, 238 pages

Keeping Bees (Garden Farming Series)

Author: Peter Beckley
Publisher: Pelham Books Ltd., 1977, 1982, 125 pages

Keeping Bees with a Smile

A Vision and Practice of Natural Apiculture

Author: Fedor Lazutin
Publisher: Deep Snow Press, 380 pages

The Magic of Mead (DVD)

Author: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm
Publisher: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm

Making Vinegar at Home

Author: Frank Romanowski, Gail Canon
Publisher: Beer & Winemaking Supplies 1984, 49 Pages

Making Wild Wines & Meads

125 Unusual Recipes Using Herbs, Fruits, Flowers & More

Author: Rich Gulling, Pattie Vargas
Publisher: Storey Publishing LLC, 176 pages

Natural Beekeeping with the Warré Hive

A Manual

Author: David Heaf
Publisher: Northern Bee Books 2013, 106 pages

Nectar and Pollen Plants of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest

An Illustrated Dictionary of Plants Used by Honey Bees

Author:D. Burgett, B.A. Stringer, L.D. Johnston
Publisher: Honeystone Press 1989, 151 pages

O – Q

Our Native Bees

North America’s Endangered Pollinators and the Fight to Save Them

Author: Paige Embry
Publisher: Timber Press, 224 pages

Package Bee Installation (DVD)

Author: Shane Gebauer
Publisher: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm

Queen and Package Bee Production (DVD)

Author: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm
Publisher: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm

Queen Rearing Essentials

Author: Lawrence John Connor
Publisher: Wicwas Press LLC, 100 pages

The Quest for the Perfect Hive

A History of Innovation in Bee Culture

Author: Gene Kritsky
Publisher: Oxford University Press, 216 pages

R – S

Raising Honeybee Queens

An Illustrated Guide to Success

Author: Gilles Fert
Publisher: Deep Snow Press, Ithaca NY, 2020

Requeening & Colony Division (DVD)

Author: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm
Publisher: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm

Visit five commercial beekeepers and learn their methods and tricks for requeening and making splits. Almost a full hour of great tips!

Robbing The Bees

A Biography Of Honey

Silence of the Bees (DVD)

Author: Nature
Publisher: Nature

The Song of Increase

Listening to the Wisdom of Honeybees for Kinder Beekeeping and a Better World

Author: Jacqueline Freeman
Publisher: Sounds True, 189 pages

A Sting in the Tale

My Adventures with Bumblebees

Author: Dave Goulson
Publisher: Picador, New York 2014, 256 pages

Storey’s Guide to Keeping Honey Bees, 2nd Edition

Authors: Dr. Malcolm T. Sanford and Richard E. Bonney
Publisher: Storey Publishing, 212 pages

Super Formulas

How to Make More Than 360 Useful Products that Contain Honey and Beeswax

Author: Elaine C. White
Publisher: Valley Hills Press, 114 pages

Swarm Boxes (DVD)

Author: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm
Publisher: Brushy Mountain Bee Farm

Swarm Traps and Bait Hives

The Easy Way to Get Bees for Free

Author: McCartney Taylor
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Sweetened with Honey the Natural Way

Author: National Honey Board
Publisher: Publications International, 95 pages

T – Z

The Thinking Beekeeper

A Guide to Natural Beekeeping in Top Bar Hives

Author: Christy Hemenway
Publisher: New Society Publishers 2013, 208 pages

Three Seasons of Bees and other Natural and Unnatural Things

Author: Nirvan Hope
Publisher: Yantra Press

Top-Bar Beekeeping

Wisdom and Pleasure Combined

Author: Wyatt Mangum PhD
Publisher: Stinging Drone Publications 2012, 421 pages

Top-Bar Beekeeping

Organic Practices for Honeybee Health

Author: Les Crowder, Heather Harrell
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing, 175 pages

Top-bar Beekeeping (DVD)

Author: Les Crowder, Heather Harrell
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing

Toward Saving the Honeybee

Author: Gunther Hauk
Publisher: Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association, 81 pages

Wick, Wax and Talk Second Time Around

Author: Maxine Wilhelm
Publisher: Walter T. Kelley Co. 28 pages

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