Welcome to Sequim Plants – formerly Skyline Nursery

This is the website of a small nursery in the town of Sequim, WA.
Herbert Senft proprietor. 1080 W. Hendrickson Rd. Sequim, WA 98382 USA – 

 My FACEBOOK site is at https://www.facebook.com/HerbSecateur

Podophyllum peltatum flower

The picture shown on my opening page suggests my transfusion from hiker, photographer to nurseryman and finally to being a landscaper and gardener. I seem to have hit a reset button this year and although I no longer have display gardens my forty years in horticulture is always ready to help you make some interesting plant connections. 

Revelations all!

Aging is a transformation process. Usually involving “wisdom.” I now view “ABOUT ME” which I am not, as floating towards an epitaph. How many of you have given thought to your own. That epitaph is not mine of course but I look upon what I wrote a few years ago with hubris.

Since then, five gardening friends have died. One of ALS and I was very involved with his sad journey. The unexpected would hit me the next year and change much about my life. Becoming disabled ended my pry bar, maul and pick-axing days and recent events have added to that decline.  My life has not been one of stabilization into new conglomerate forms, nor will it become sedimentary. The last years of illness were to be endured and the remaining years will be a journey – a transformation into something better.

I hope the articles will give you a chuckle, and some evoke a memory or even a tear. You see, many of my repeat customers have now passed on or cannot garden anymore. Every day I miss their critiques, guidance, and silenced voices. You will find posts to them in my blogs.

Bloodroot Dbl. white Trillium grandiflorum Corydalis f. Blue Heron

My last commentary was on the lack of interest in Native plantsNative plants wherever you are from provide a delectable palate for landscaping. Why is this not more prevalent?
The gardens that we plant, and nurture are a good reflection of the health and depth of our hearts and souls. In a time of proxy wars and increasing tensions between east and west we should reflect how much better co-operation works. Communities and nations are like gardens. Some are naturally better endowed; others are simply better planned, and some others shine more brightly simply because they began with less and had to struggle. All, however, need to be fought over in the most constructive sense of the word.

It has been my experience that most gardens are reactive rather than proactive. By that I mean, that the average gardener brings out insecticides, pesticides, and fertilizers when the plants or community is in stress. You do more harm than good with such knee jerk reactions. Long term investments (and patience) always pay off. Think long term and plant things that will attract pollinators to your garden, not pests.

I suppose metaphors of plants in a healthy garden reflect the proper cultivation of community or politics. As with incarcerated individuals in prison, plants deprived of sunlight or freedom to grow will slowly wither and die. This applies to the garden when faster and more dominant plants hog the sunshine. Providing proper nutrition and sustenance in a neglected garden will always create an unexpected outcome in what can and might be harvested in the future. Poor soil with limited and stunted investments will rarely create a good garden.

We seem to garden with egos and agendas rather than realizing that the earth we share should ever be preserved by hard tilling and the investiture of sweat and labor towards later and greater rewards. Investments that our children will be reaping long after we’re gone … and in that sense the garden provides one with immortality stretching out to future friends yet unknown who in their own ‘circle’s-turn will take wonder at all you’ve done.

(C) Herb Senft 2015

Thank you for visiting and updated today in 2020 I hope all of us deal with this Corona virus bravely and wisely and not do what a friend did to me and to this bus driver.  Some things are meant to be shared … not a virus that kills.  

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ABOUT ME — 17 Comments

  1. Herb, what a delight to hear from you! I wasn’t sure you were still in the area and so happy to hear you are still around. I am not much of a technology buff and because of you I looked at our website more closely and saw things I didn’t know “the kids” had done. Thank you for opening my eyes. I appreciate your commends so much. We are slowing down as the years go by but Roger is still here from early to late because he just can’t not do that–I think you remember him well enough to understand. Our lives have stayed busy with our 3 children, 7 grandchildren and now 2 great-grandchildren (but who’s counting :-}. It would be good to see you. Lets try to make that happen. Thank you again for contacting us. Ellie for both of “the Sunny Farmers”.

    • Dear Ellie and Roger,

      Had I to pick out a handful of businesses in Sequim I would have worked for. Sunnyfarms would have been at the top. D&K would be next.** I will make sure to drop by despite the hermit impulses. Kaint think of many more, perhaps Anjo Soils. Oh well, my remaining activity is lapidary and once in a while cooking. I so miss the Nursery business! I thought your web site was really nice and I LOVED the black and white retro advertizing! http://sunnyfarms.com/country_store.html

      With blessings, Herb

  2. I was thrilled to see that you are still doing what you love. I am also still in the business after nearly 30 years, though I finally went part time this year so I could have more flexible time to spend with my mom, family and friends. I will always know and be grateful that you were my first inspiration and first boss. Thanks for the opportunity to grow and be apart of such a wonderful community of plant lovers.

    • OMG, Tama,

      Have often thought of you and had no way to connect. You, Luen, Vallie and the others made the place that it was. Now it has joined the box store of the future. Glad you held on to an alternative Nursery. So, So needed. Heck, after near dying last year I am finally hopping around again and am just so glad to be able to move again. Nothing like starting things over again. I seem to do that a lot.

      As you will note, I still rant on about politics and am so ready to flee to a saner place should we elect TRUMP. St. Helena Island sounds perfect for me. At least there I wouldn’t mess up on a dinner date mix-up by going to the wrong place.

      You still working in the Scott’s Valley Nursery? It probably has changed hands like our own lumberyard did a number of times.
      Hey! I would work for you any time. If anything, I have even gotten better with age.

      Cannot believe Vallie died just after she found the love of her life. So unfair.

      Stay in touch by email.
      Miss the area terribly and regret this foolish move more than I can every say.
      Certainly did not resolve the problems I had. Might even have done something with Luen (Barnhard’s) but was always crippled by the
      ever present divorce threat which happened anyway. The what if’s of life. 🙁

    Good afternoon Herb!

    I like your web site & was excited to see that you are located in Sequim. My wife & I are relocating (retiring) to Sequim & hope to move in December. Right now we are in the Bothell area.

    It was really interesting to see you having New Zealand Iris (Libertia peregrines) on your plant list & I would love to purchase 2 of them if they are available.

    Other plants you list that I am interested to find out more about & possibly purchase include:
    (1) Eremurus bungie – Fox Tail lily. We want our landscape have Mediterranean look/theme. Fox Tail lilies could add to that. I saw one earlier this year in the planting area of the parking lot at the Oak Table & it was when it was in the height of bloom. The flowers were magnificent. I would like to get 3 of these plants.
    (2 & 3) We will have black Mondo grass in the landscape & wanted to learn more about the 2 you have listed (Ebony night & Ophiopogon Jap. Nanus.
    (3) Lastly I may be interested in your dwarf “hak” grass

    We come to Sequim almost every weekend to see the progress of the construction of our house. So, if something is available for purchase, we could arrange to pick them up from you.

    Let me know, at your convenience, whether or not any of the plants I mention above are available for sale.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  4. You need to include that picture of you as an infant in the arms of your nanny in this “about me” section of the web site.

    You’ll sell more plants.

  5. Hello from Australia!

    I’m from an online florist and we published a really detailed beginners guide to beekeeping on our blog.

    It has lots of visuals and lots of content, so I was thinking it might make a nice addition to your site’s resource page, http://sequimplants.com/interesting-and-helpful-links-about-beekeeping ?

    You can see the guide here: https://blog.flowersacrosssydney.com.au/beekeeping-guide-beginners/

    Either way, keep up the good work!



  6. Herb, Hope all is well in your world. Came upon your site in my search for all things related to gardening in Sequim. My husband and I are planning to retire in Sequim and will be visiting next week to look at potential homes and explore the area. We are gardners and plan to create a cottage garden, as well as put up my brand new greenhouse and get a veggie patch established. I also love the idea of creating a space for native plants. We would love to visit with you if you are available and learn more about gardening in Sequim. Take good care.

  7. Herb, I am looking to restart my Sedum / Succulent garden and was wondering what time you are open on Saturdays to come take a look-see?

  8. Herb saw you at the library a couple days ago, we talked about Brown Rd. and that you’d moved long ago, looking for O. fragillis.

  9. One of my favorite shrubs is Pink Dawn Viburnum. I planted one in my last home’s yard. That shrub started blooming in October and continued through spring and bloomed sporadically throughout summer. I have planted two Pink Dawn Viburnums in my new yard but the bloom time is more like described on every site — late winter through early spring. You mentioned an early bloomer of this plant. I would love to get my hands on one like my older home’s variety. How could one have such a long blooming period? Thank you. Debbie

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