Omens of the air reminded me today of my reasons for living here, reasons I sometimes forget. My first steps out the door this morning put me under the wings of a hawk flying directly above. The air was clean and frosty. We have such wonderful air and I get to wake up to see snow frosted mountains looming above the tawny fields. My morning walk started a flurry of activity in the creek, ducks shooting upward to escape my approach and a blue heron doing a graceful pirouette as he aborted his landing.
Dedicated to Tina Garthwaite her favorite song , a bird story and Mary Ann Stephens.(C) Herbert Senft 2006
Treat each parting as a rebirth. Let go of that which is past and seek new roads. Perhaps never to forget your lost friends, but to place them in your memory warmly and build again with new friends those things that so pleased you.