Plants starting with the letter R

Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!


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brazen hussy rhodohypoxis rosa rubrifolia
Ranunculus ficaria ‘Brazen Hussy’ goes dormant during the summer – (article) Brazen Hussy has dark bronze foliage with brassy yellow flowers. Jan-March. Pops up, struts its stuff and disappears. Sun or part shade. Any not too dry soil.  pots $15.00 Ribes sang. ‘Claremont’ bursts into glorious, mouth-watering display beginning in February and lasting thru April. Remarkably large 4-6” flower clusters dangle like richly colored lanterns with their rosy-red flowers adored by hummers  14.00 Rhodohypoxis baurii (Stargrass) Is an enchanting groundcover   originating in S. Africa. They form colorful carpets of flowers and thrive in rocky well drained places. My collection will have some 10 different cultivars. (Keep on dry side in winter and protect from mice!) 3 inch pots $15.00  (FALL) Rosa glauca (rubrifolia)  Blue leafed Rose, sun/psh, The leaves are blue purple in full sun, softening to gray green. Almost thorn less the reddish violet stems hold single clear pink flowers. Large red hips in fall. 4 inch pots $6.00 
Romneya coulteri. A much admired, spectacular, shrub-like perennial that be both finicky to get going and extremely vigorous once established. The large flowers are made up of crinkly, crape white petals with a shaft of yellow stamens in the center. BEES love it. 1 gal. pots $20.00  . Rubus calycinoides ‘Emerald Carpet’) A vigorous ground cover with handsome  heavily textured lobed leaves.  Forms a durable and adaptable weed smothering mat 6 inches to 1 ft.  3″ pots $5.00 SOLD OUT Rubus `Heritage` Red raspberry with flavorful fruit, producing one crop in mid July & another in early September. Flesh stays firm even when over-ripe. 1 gal. pots $5.00Fall Gold, also available as are a few others. Rosularia chrysanthaRosularia – Small, velvety gray/green mounds with loose flesh, but forming a nice matting colony. Excellent groundcover and miniature garden plant. Use with Jovibarba and other hardy outdoor succulents.
3 ” pots $5.00

All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map..



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Plants starting with the letter R — 3 Comments

  1. Hello, I would like to purchase 1 Romneya Coulteri plant. Do you have the one gallon plants available? Thanks!
    Private please

    • I have plenty of them left. Surprisingly not a popular item. BTW on the Private thing. I always delete the email address of questions.

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