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Yucca (dwarf form)
This clumping evergreen shrub with produces a startling, 3- to 4-foot-tall flower stalk. The fragrant flowers are pale green or greenish white. It does well here in Sequim WA. and adds a touch of the desert to gardens. Soap can be made from its roots and the foliage is used in basket-making.
Noteworthy Characteristics: Evergreen, spiky foliage; fragrant flowers on a tall stalk.
Care: Provide full sun and well-drained, sandy loam. Remove dead leaves in early spring (wear long sleeves and gloves for protection 4.00 in 3 inch pots
This clumping evergreen shrub with produces a startling, 3- to 4-foot-tall flower stalk. The fragrant flowers are pale green or greenish white. It does well here in Sequim WA. and adds a touch of the desert to gardens. Soap can be made from its roots and the foliage is used in basket-making.
Noteworthy Characteristics: Evergreen, spiky foliage; fragrant flowers on a tall stalk.
Care: Provide full sun and well-drained, sandy loam. Remove dead leaves in early spring (wear long sleeves and gloves for protection 4.00 in 3 inch pots
All plants can be picked up at my place given notice.
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