We have had a very mild winter so far and the return of the birds indicate that spring is on its way. That we are also getting more sunshine is also a big moment for me. The (Navy daylight hours link) was a surprise,  and by inputting your state and town information you will get your Persephone interpretation. Calculating Your Garden’s Persephone Days is an important tool in gardening and this is a good article.
washed out sun

The United States Naval Observatory provides an online tool that produces a Duration of Daylight Table for any location in the world. With the warmest and possibly the wettest winter I can remember, sunshine has near been a forgotten entity.I will do a new page on blooming plants for every other month, with a link beneath to the previous articles.Most of these flowers are at least a month early due to the warmest Winter and Feb. on record.

March has arrived yet the following pictures were all taken on Feb.28. The weather has been incredibly mild so I would put them into March. Even on a sunny day the blue’s seem to have won out. Mind you I did not take pictures of the chirpy daffodils that went with many of these. The Hepatica to the right is my own hybrid and thankfully survived in one of these two gardens. Anemone blanda, Chiondoxia, Hepatica and Muscari or Scilla.
blue flowers
Many more plants are in bloom including the anemone blanda, chiondoxia and even the Forsythia. I have only shown a few of the thirty bloomers I took yesterday. The corydalis is probably Corydalis solida Beth Evans.
Corydalis solida Beth Evanseleanores
A surprising day of sunshine had me snap these pictures of bulbs, perennials and even a water plant on the last day of Feb.  in two special Olympic Peninsula gardens.
dbl primrose lydias
galanthus lydias
hawthorn arrowroot
 A surprising day of sunshine had me snap these pictures of bulbs and perennials on the last day of Feb. in two special Olympic Peninsula gardens. The crocus erupting from black mondo grass was a favorite combination of mine.

Crocus: This spring  bloomer has the symbolic meaning of  Youthful gladness.

specie crocus eleanors
specie crocus
specie crocus lydias
crocus in black mondo grass.
Yesterday we had the first of many sunny days yet to come. I took some of these Hellebore pictures in three local gardens. None of these have proven to set seed or become weedy.
hellebore eleonors
 hellebore white lydias
hellebore putple lydias
helleborus white eleanores

© Herbert Senft 2015 (Special thanks to Eleanore and Lydia!)

January and February page.

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  1. I am editing this as this was a private matter but given the return address I could not email a reply. Basically it was a request for a flowering spring plant suitable for a memorial.
    xxxx We were going to send an flower arrangement but started thinking maybe a live plant might be more representative of our friends love of nature.

    A search for early spring flowering plants is what lead us to this site. We were thinking a early flowering plant could be planted by her husband and become a representation of her love of nature. We were thinking we really liked either of the two white flower plants on the bottom row of pictures you posted would be nice. We were wondering if you could tell us the names of either of those two plants and if you might know where we could come up with one or two from a source near Bandon.

    If so, please feel free to write me at xxxx with any information you might have.



    I responded that the white plants he liked where Hellebores and that some double white ones did exist and are in bloom now. I also suggested the following.

    I will offer a few other suggestions!!! I also am on FACEBOOK so you might want to communicate there if you

    1. A super lovely perennial and medicinal plant that is native to the East coast but this is a rare double gardenia form. Mayapple
    2. A Deciduous magnolia
    3. I would add a Paeonia like ‘Krinkled White’ I am sure there are many of those in Oregon. Same for the Magnolia nursery you might check out.

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