The mimicry and funny faces of Orchids

A friend shared these Orchid pictures. More funny pictures!  Peristeria Elata (Holy Ghost Orchid). Caleana Major (Flying Duck Orchid), Anguloa Uniflora (Swaddled Babies) and Epidendrum radicans “Ballerina” which is an orchid hybrid. 

 Peristeria Elata (Holy Ghost Orchid)
An orchid that looks like a Ballarina.

If you care to comment, please ID your favorite and leave a comment. Mine are the ‘Swaddled Babies’ and the ‘Flying Duck.’

Anguloa Uniflora (Swaddled Babies)
Caleana Major Flying Duck Orchid
On my Google+ blog Mirosław Harbuz commented: “Life patterns are never going to stop to surprise us 🙂 Where have they taken such ideas from? Are those orchids “aware” of what they are imitating? Do they have a “mirror” to look into themselves? Do they need such a mirror-illusion? Or they are a reflex of our minds?” Was he monkeying with me? Lets see!
 Rare monkey face orchid
Be it the iridescence sheen of beetle or the mimicry of orchids we humans seem to have forgotten that the creator has gifted them far more than our own drab forms. What I found interesting was how individuals perceived some of these flowers.

I preferred the darker ones feeling that darkness sometimes brings out the illumination,just as the moon would be lost without the blanket of darkness.

Nature never disappoints and whatever hue you prefer, let their mystery sink deep within your soul. With their funny faces we smile, ponder and even ache for their simple goodness.

All are beautiful and I will add a non-orchid one and ask you to ponder; what is it trying to attract? HOT LIPS, here I come. We are blessed in this life with many encounters, however well we perceive or act upon them. I am grateful for all such spices … the bitter, sour, spicy and sweet.
psychotria Elatra

Mind you not all “funny faces” are orchids. Just look at the Happy Alien and his mountain friends. I leave it to you to judge which planet they came from. Their eyeballs seem to be riveted upon Marylin’s lips.

Calceolaria Uniflora (Happy Alien)
 and his friends

(C) Herb Senft 2015

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