Winter Hummingbird News

Ah such a nice morning visit.
It is some 20ish degrees outside and a hummingbird just fed off one of my roses attempting to bloom.
On overwintering hummers don’t forget they get a lot of protein from small bugs.
Nectar feeders provide for carbohydrates, but they also need protein, especially in the Spring while feeding their babies. You may also see them raiding spider nests for food. Both they and Bees get protein from pollen as well.

One aesthetically unpleasing tip being that you place overripe fruit near your hummingbird feeder. The old banana, whatever. Put it into a mesh bag to bird proof it. Fruit flies will come and they will serve as as snack protein for hummers.We had a not unexpected cold front come through and I missed seeing my Anna’s. Just the next day I say one harvesting the ‘deadhead’ remains of some Japanese Anemone fluff. *To build nests!* Sometimes, in our being ‘NEAT and TIDY’ our gardens become wildlife deserts.

Hummingbird migration map 

Informative local WA link:

On Hummingbird feeders

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Winter Hummingbird News — 3 Comments

  1. Hummers are starting to get MORE nectar choices but until the wild Indian Plum, Meadowfoam or Ribies comes in they still could use an assist.
    Friend questioned me “why not red food coloring” Simple answer – not necessary and considering that they can drink five times their weight in liquid per day they do not need those chemicals.. What BLADDERS they must have – can only think of how much Starbucks would make if we consumed as much.
    If you have sodium in your water or other hard minerals you might consider chipping in for distilled or good bottled water

    Here is a list of some important plants for Hummingbirds and Butterflies.
    Perennial Lobelia, Monarda, Zauschneria, Hardy fuchsia are just a few to think about planting. Forsythia and Bleeding Hearts, Native Meadowfoam will be the first to help out – but don’t discount the pollen plants such as willow. Native cottonwood also provides for nectar and fluff for nests.

  2. I live in North Carolina and it gets down to 20`s sometimes. Are you saying humming birds can or do survive here in the winter? I will be feeding them this summer with fruit, i never thought about that.

    • I am not sure, but here in the Northwest they have survived the mid twenties as long as they were fed and their shelter was safe. I saw them out sipping nectar while ICE and snow covered the plant they were working on. I feared for their safety as one heavy gust might have dropped an avalanche on them. POLLEN is also necessary for them and small bugs for protein.

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