correctionsSomething Special – needed here
This Inmate is still waiting to hear “Love me Tender,”
as the bird loves to sing – the above.


Elvis of course!

Name: Oscar the Parrot
Age: 20-30 years old
Species/Sex: Psittacoidea
/ Male
Arrest Date 4/29/2013
– Border Patrol
Charge: Migrating without
proper feathers

Still Awaiting Bail

Oscar mug shot

Oscar mug shot


His attorney countered with charges against the former owners that they had plucked and sold his plumage, but the judge threw it out after a few outrages’ squawks in the courtroom. Oscar’s fowl language did not work in his favor. One case worker also mentioned that Oscar hopes to find a new family that can knit him some woollies. If you know of such folk, especially if they live in a warmer climate let me know. Same for story lines. Please comment or contact me.

Oscar may not be the best representative of bird intelligence
but the following u-tube links may surprise you!

It’s hard to believe this kind of beauty still exists anywhere. Watch and enjoy.
Be sure to click on the icon to expand the videos to full screen.

What the bargain basement attorney neglected to mention was that Oscar was depressed and had either picked himself bare (Insanity plea) or had beak and feather disease and that his owners could not afford to drive the hundreds of miles to find a bird vet. True enough, here in Clallam Co. Instead of the health care he needed, they fed him tranquilizers to keep him from squawking for help. Once the tranquilizers wore off, he was one pissed off bird. No wonder he was found crossing the border lines to Jefferson County and heading east to Seattle for medical care. I feel that way myself all the time!

Recently our neighboring Port Townsend Police Chief said that his officers use Language Line Services, and that several Parrot-speaking Port Townsend residents volunteer as interpreters. My P.A. friend Janov is one of them. That still does not overcome local opinion that such illegal immigrants collectively represent a group that is a significant menace to the public. 80% of parrots have committed serious crimes, as noted with the New Zealand KEA. With the local Border Patrol now outnumbering local law enforcement, they too have stepped-up cross county border checks.  Oscar simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As Ron Paul once explained regarding the Mexico fence. They are built as much to keep Americans in as they are to keep foreigners out. Wake up AMERICA!  I would follow the parrot to the next link, but there are four more pages to follow. Oscar Story lines.

(C) Herb Senft 2013


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  1. Hi, I just love this Oscar story and wanted to read some of the other’s . the pages could not be displayed so you must be working on the site. I will be back to read more. The links to other bird info is also most informative and enjoyable. Thank you for taking an interest in parrots. They are wonderful beings and deserve as much protection and media attention as cats and dogs get. The back ground on this site is very, very nice. Jan

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