OTHER – things that just don’t fit

This will be the page leading to articles that are all over the place. Some will make you cry, laugh, and perhaps make you furious. That is my intent. On my Recipe site I have continued and even include recipe/food issues. Please visit articles and uncategorized. If you have something to contribute, please get in touch with me. Some of these articles are re-directs (**) to an older website – something I am correcting. The poll I added refers to the discovery of 8oo young children buried in an Irish septic tank.


A TREE OF LIFE Research tool
A Five Star Day
Are Plants Intelligent?
Australians get Hepatitis A from Chinese Raspberries– read comments!
Abseiling to do your garden work
Ban on Hemp products
Beepocalypse NOT – ALEC Republicans
Channeling Anger – link
Favorite Books/Reads
Fireworks  **
Fireworks ban petition
Fireworks and their danger
Friendship Gardens
Green Burials link
Hidden costs in selling of eBay
Building my medicine wheel and on drums and shields.
Papal Revelation and Climate Change
Photos of the Olympic Peninsula
Plants to run away from **
Products from Mexico – on fruits and vegetables and how they are picked. link
Related: South Africa and how it treats its child farm workers. – link
On Christians  **
On helping those in need – Smile
Reflection on a gardener friend and her take on weeds.

So much forgotten and changed. 
The Cellar
The worlds largest Cedar and its LOCAL!
Victoria’s killing of Garry Oaks
Water issues and Aquifer (link)
When WA Mutual Died  **
Wildflowers of the Olympic Peninsula

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