Plants starting with the letter (I)

Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!

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Iris cristata Iris lousiana Black Gamecock
Iris cristata:  Flowers are a light blue; This low growing specie Iris with different colors. This form is light blue and this plant as the one above work well in bonsai. These plants are  $5.00 ea. Iris lousiana ‘Black Gamecock’  Stunning purple-black color and incredible vigor define this upright grower. It flourishes in damp soils and can be a great bog plant Giant near black blooms begin in early summer. 1 gal. $9.00 ea. Iris tenax. The leaves are tough, dark, grass-like, and nearly evergreen on
this showy iris.  It is clump forming, blooming April ‑May,  When established it produces abundant flowers that open  for weeks. $6.00 ea. 
Iris prismatica (Slender Blue Iris) is a rhizomatous perennial forming a clump of long, narrow, grass-like leaves topped with slender-petaled flowers, up to 2-4 in. across (5-10 cm) in late spring to mid summer. $6.00 ea.
Iris_suaveolens_v._rubromarginata_ Ipheom uniflotum
Iris suaveolens v. rubromarginata Flowers are brown with a violet beard; 10cm. Recurved leaves with red margin; Balkans. Low growing specie Iris with different colors. This form is in the violet rage. Available in 2016. These rare plants are going to be $12.00 ea. OUT OF STOCK Dwarf Japanese Iris. This is a dwarf blue flowering plant I picked up. Lovely. Will edit picture.

1 gal. plants 12.00

Iris reticulata: Available Iris reticulata , Shades of Blue, Harmony and the tetraploid, ‘Blue and Purple Hills.’.



Ipheom uniflorum:  are great for planting in a rock garden, for pots, borders or for under planting with Peonies or Hostas. Can take full sun and are deer resistant. (Onion smell!) 3″ pots. 5.00


All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map.. (9-4 weekdays by appt. Saturday open)

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