Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!
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Iris cristata: Flowers are a light blue; This low growing specie Iris with different colors. This form is light blue and this plant as the one above work well in bonsai. These plants are $5.00 ea. |
Iris lousiana ‘Black Gamecock’ Stunning purple-black color and incredible vigor define this upright grower. It flourishes in damp soils and can be a great bog plant Giant near black blooms begin in early summer. 1 gal. $9.00 ea. |
Iris tenax. The leaves are tough, dark, grass-like, and nearly evergreen on
this showy iris. It is clump forming, blooming April ‑May, When established it produces abundant flowers that open for weeks. $6.00 ea. |
Iris prismatica (Slender Blue Iris) is a rhizomatous perennial forming a clump of long, narrow, grass-like leaves topped with slender-petaled flowers, up to 2-4 in. across (5-10 cm) in late spring to mid summer. $6.00 ea. |
Iris suaveolens v. rubromarginata Flowers are brown with a violet beard; 10cm. Recurved leaves with red margin; Balkans. Low growing specie Iris with different colors. This form is in the violet rage. Available in 2016. These rare plants are going to be $12.00 ea. OUT OF STOCK |
Dwarf Japanese Iris. This is a dwarf blue flowering plant I picked up. Lovely. Will edit picture.
1 gal. plants 12.00 |
Iris reticulata: Available Iris reticulata , Shades of Blue, Harmony and the tetraploid, ‘Blue and Purple Hills.’.
Ipheom uniflorum: are great for planting in a rock garden, for pots, borders or for under planting with Peonies or Hostas. Can take full sun and are deer resistant. (Onion smell!) 3″ pots. 5.00 |
All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map.. (9-4 weekdays by appt. Saturday open)
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