Plants for Sale beginning with (S)

Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!

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Bloodroot Dbl. white Schizostylus-coccinea-Viscountess-Byng goldenrod
Salix discolor. Put Pussy Willows into your landscape.

Pussy Willows come in both female and male plants. Both male and female catkins are beautifully showy.

At the moment I have two female forms – lovely catkins and one that is larger – a male. They are 10 dollars ea. The Male is 12.00. In one gal. cans.

Sanguinaria canadensis (Dbl. White Blood Root) Commonly called “bloodroot” for the reddish-orange liquid that oozes from its stem and root, this perennial wildflower is one of the earliest spring bloomers to emerge from the leaf litter of the forest floor. Nice divisions for $22.00 This is an extremely rare plant in the double form Schizostylus coccinea Viscountess ByngClear gentle pink flowers bloom in long succession along slender gladiolus like stem in late autumn winter and spring. Good cut flower. . Slender clumps of Iris like foliage. Evergreen. This is a great plant to attract butterfly’s and for cut flowers. 3.5 ” pots $8.00


Solidago cultivars. In the process of collecting. (Five in propagation stock)  Commonly called goldenrods, is related to the flowering plants in the aster family. They are mostly native to North America, including Mexico.  They have an important role in native ecosystems as soil stabilizers and sources of food and shelter for wildlife.
Synthyris stellata Stachys macrantha Superba
Synthyris missurica ssp. stellata, This WA. Wildflower looks good even when not in bloom as the evergreen foliage forms a dense, low mound. It is one of the earliest blooming plants in my garden.  Propagation just started to rebuild stock. Stachys marcrantha ‘superba’ (Purple Betony)
Summer spikes of rosy-lavender blooms rise above scalloped, heavily textured fresh green leaves. The purple-violet tubular flowers in a large raceme arise in summer on stems from 8” to 12” will bloom for months. 8.00 ea.
Sedums and hardy Succulents – hardy ground cover Sempervivum and Jovibarba These Ground Cover Succulents: Low growing or trailing succulents of various color, form, and texture.  Try them in a combination to make great container plants or a smashing rock garden display. I have some fifty varieties.  Prices range from 3- 8.00

All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map.. (9 – 4 by appt. or Saturdays.)


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