Sequim plant list (O)

Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!

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Ophiopogon jap. Nanus
Ophiopogon jap. Nanus in 3.5 inch pots. Dark forest green grassy foliage suitable as a bonsai companion plant. white- lavender blooms and if lucky navy blue berries. Zn7   $5.00 ea.
crocus in black mondo grass
Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’. (Black Mondo Grass) Add a little Voodoo to your garden
Nearly jet black leaves make this a unique specimen. Zn7 As it is related to the better known liriops I think it will do well in most of the country as long as it does not get below 15 F. $6.00 for a 3.5 inch pot.
This is a wonderful black foliaged plant with white flowers and the black pearl-like berries are a joy to behold. A ten on my plant scale.

crocus in black mondo grass
Ophiopogon p. Ebony Knight Slow grower with velvety black foliage, purple-white blooms and black pearl-like berries..NEW introduction In qt sized pots. For best effect, combine with other interesting foliage colors like above or perhaps purple or red foliaged Heuchera.  Zn 7   $8.00 ea. This picture is of the O. nigrescens and crocus in my garden.  OUT OF STOCK

OPUNTIA (hardy species in Sequm WA.) and an article about overwintering cacti.

Opuntia cycloides-Hardy Prickly Pear

 Opuntia local
After twenty years of passing by this beautiful cactus, some 6 by 10 feet by now…I was asked by the owner to prune it back. OKAY!!! I’ll even haul them off. It is hardy in Zn-7/8 Sequim, WA. and relishes our dry winters. Sequim, only gets some 15 inches of rainfall a year and happens to be in a mild climate zone. Rarely do we drop down to 10. F. Adding 6 inches of coarse gravel to the potting area would be a good thing to do. Plant under an overhang, facing south. Great protective landscape plant to put under opening windows.  $6.00 ea.
Opuntia fragilis.

Opuntia fragilis – Brittle Prickly Pear

To those familiar with the large, shrub-like prickly pears of Arizona, Opuntia fragilis would hardly be recognized as a close relative of those impressive plants, but indeed it is! However, it has much smaller pads than most Opuntia, usually just 1-2″ long or occasionally a little longer. The pads are “fat” and can be cylindrical to slightly flattened in shape.  In June, yellow flowers are produced, but some forms of this species are rather shy to flower. Full three inch pots  $5.00 ea. Smaller 1.5 inch pots  $3.00 

Opuntia humifusa
I grow one other more nondescript Opuntia. Opuntia humisifa from a customer. Like the owner it was a Nebraska native and it ranges up into Saskatchewan CA and throughout much of the U.S. It is totally hardy. A squat toady of a cactus rarely venturing above one foot. In the winter it gets all crinkled up looking like it needs wrinkle cream. This actually is a survival tool, as the extra skin on the pads can swell after being frozen and have enough elasticity to survive below zero degree temperatures. In the spring and summer it plumps up and is quite attractive. Flowers are a pale yellow. 3.5 inch pots $7.00.

Opuntia papyrcantha  Tephrocactus articulatus var. papyracanthus, , Paper Spine Cactus. 10.00 ea. 2-3 ” pots.

Sometimes the brain cells fry or the bookkeeping does. I have grown two forms of Orostachys and until they come out of dormancy I have no clue as to what has survived.

These are gorgeous hardy succulents like Hens and Chicks and similar  Stonecrops –  I have seen them listed in Sempervivum and Sedum – along with their cousins, Jovibarba etc. Orostachys have been grown in cold climates for ages; they are just now being rediscovered for their willingness to take on a challenge. One difference being that it is an alpine succulent and therefore needs very good drainage. A challenge in the Pacific Northwest. I happen to have grown Orostachys aggegata (aggregatum) or (Makino) and it was always a favorite of mine.  The other would be O. Irwarenge. As I only have a few plants of this they will be $6.00 ea.

Origanum ‘Herrenhausen’ A bountiful bloomer. In the fall, Origanum Herrenhausen makes an outstanding sight as the already dark-reddish violet flowers of late summer are seen against the basal leaves which become redder – until almost purple. Attractive to butterflies and is drought and deer resistant. Z 5-9 Pot size is 3.5 inches and the price is $5.00. OUT OF STOCK
Origanum ‘Amethyst Falls’) New introduction: Just transplanted into 3.5 inch pots.- OUT OF STOCK at the moment.  C Amethyst Falls is a spectacular hybrid  that blooms in mid-summer and is a showy and very unique perennial variety. Drought resistant/drought tolerant and deer resistant as well. Xeric only begins to describe this spectacular hybrid Oregano. Great for rockery use, rock walls or even hanging containers. Outstanding new introduction!  $6.00 ea.  

Oxalis tuberosa

Oca tuberosa (Oxalis tuberosa) This ornamental plant can either be eaten as a nasturtium or the tubers harvested and eaten like potato with a hint of carrot. Generally they overwinter here if mulched well and given good drainage. The plants grow to 18″ high and 3 feet in diameter if allowed to sprawl. They can also be espaliered on a small trellis. This is an attractive flowering plant and makes a great addition to your vegetable or ornamental flower garden. Bees love it! (Native Andean food plant)  $4.00 a 3″ pot.

All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map..



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