Plant list (C)

Plants beginning with (C)

Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed and plant exchanges are always welcome!

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Go to Cactus and my article Hardy and window sill cactus

c amassia leichtlinii sm Camp. rotundifolia
Camassia leichtlinii ssp. leichtlinii Quamish, Grown in small pots to one gallon cans. Prices vary. Redy to go!!!  Camassia quamash.      C. leichtlinii alba, C. l. Sacajawea C.leichtlinii,  C. leichtlini Caerulea Campanula rotundifolia Olympic Bellflower This surprisingly drought tolerant ground cover is covered with thimble-shaped flowers on wiry stems; nice in bouquets. Blooms  in the summer. Grown in 3.5 inch pots  $4.00 campanula persifolia Graceful spikes of white or purple cup-shaped flowers in early summer. Good selection for the first-time gardener. Among bellflowers, this species is distinct for its tall, thin graceful habit and large bell-shaped flowers.  Cerastium alpinum x lanatum A low growing cushion, this wooly mat-forming perennial is completely covered in silver fuzz. Clear white starry blooms in late spring.  Begs to be stroked!  3 inch pots. 3.00
Cimicifuga r.atropurpurea2 Convallaria varueg
Cistus ‘Silver Pink’ Lovely pale pink crinkled flowers with golden stamens are borne on this low, open shrub in late spring and early summer. The evergreen leaves sport grayish undersides. Tolerates rocky soil, dry slopes and maritime zones.   $5.00 ea. 3″ pots  Cistus creticus incanus. Pink Rock Rose  Easily grown in well-drained soils in full sun. Excellent evergreen shrub for gardens that get infrequent to little watering. One gal. plants 8.00  Cimicifuga ramosa ‘Atropurpurea’ (Bugbane) Deep purple, lacy foliage is topped by fragrant, creamy-white flower racemes  Butterflies go after it as well and it is an interesting cut flower.  1 gal.   $16.00 ea. SOLD OUT Convallaria majalis Variegata (Variegated Lily of the Valley) A very unusual ground cover. Not only does this rare and delightful perennial offer fragrant fairy-bell flowers in spring but wide variegated foliage to be enjoyed.    $13.00 ea. 
Corrdalis solida “Beth Evans” – Fumewort  Award winning C. solida is pink with flashes of white on its spurs. As they mature, they fade to a paler shade of pink. Moisture tolerant, it needs rich, well-draining soil in part shade.  Corydalis solida ‘Purple Bird.’        This Corydalis has tubular violet-purple flowers with purple-ivory flashes on its spurs. Moisture tolerant, it needs rich, well-draining soil in part shade. Deer-proof Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ Dramatic, deep red tubular flowers arch up tall stately stems, drawing hummingbirds from far and wide. Blooms mid to late summer. Grows best in rich, moist soil. $1 gal.   $6.00  Crocosmia ‘Emily Mckenzie’  a versatile, showy plant that boats unique, bi-color blooms in shades of red and orange.  This plant is deer resistant.  3″ pot.   5.00 
cyc. couem cyc
CYCLAMEN COUM This cyclamen is a smaller leafed winter blooming  cyclamen. The  foliage carries aloft mostly pink flowers that lend great charm to the spring garden. The plant self sows easily. They bloom beginning in Feb . 3 inch pots $6.00 Fall Blooming Cyc. hederifolium Fragrant pale pink flowers with a dark centers, blooming in September and October. Beautifully heart shaped and sometimes marbled leaves.  Quite happy in shade or in the sun. This is a must have. 4″ pots $5.00 

Chamaebatiaria millefolium (Fernbush) is a densely branched, aromatic shrub boasting a profusion of small, showy, creamy-white flowers from mid-summer to fall.  14.00 each. 

All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map..



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Plant list (C) — 2 Comments

    • I am sorry, no clematis or wisteria. All I would have would be two ornamental grape vines. A few Virginia Creeper somewhere.

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