Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!
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Vancouveria hexandra (White inside -out flower.) This woodland ground cover plant grows to 12 inches with compound leaves in triplets and is usually found in dense patches. It gets its name from the small delicate white flowers. 3.5 inch pots 6.00 (sold out) |
Vancouveria planipetala – a West coast evergreen groundcover that goes by the common names redwood inside-out flower and redwood ivy. It is native to Oregon and northern California where in occurs in coastal mountain, especially in redwood forests. 3.5 inch pots. 5.00. |
Vitis-vinifera- ‘Purpurea’ A smaller grapevine with colorful purple stems that are cloaked with deep, chocolate-purple that remain colorful and attractive throughout much of the growing season. Fruit is bitter and the plant needs sun. 1 gal. pots 20.00 |
Vitis coignetiae, Crimson Glory Vine. This fast-growing, ornamental grapevine with huge dark green, soft leaves will scramble its way up sturdy trees and trellises. Architecturally it needs a strong enough structure to hold its ultimately large size. Inedible fruit but fantastic Fall foliage. 1 gal. pots 15.00 |
All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map..
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