Plant list beginning with the letter E

Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome.

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epimedium pinnatum subsp. colchicum Epimedium rubrum
Epimedium x perralchium ‘Frohnleiten’ Superb, slow spreading groundcover for part to full-shade. Semi-evergreen, heart-shaped foliage. Mass of buttery-yellow flowers in early-spring. All season foliage interest. Great woodland subject.  1 gal. pots  $12. (fall) Epimedium x versicolor sulphureum Barrenworts are superb shade-garden plants, excellent for edging or ground-cover, and deserving much wider use in our gardens. In this selection,  Can take full sun if watered.  Drought tolerant and is not invasive!  1 gal. pots $12.00 (fall) Epimedium x rubrum (Barrenwort)  Barrenwort are superb shade-garden plants, excellent for edging or ground-cover, and deserving much wider use in our gardens. This selection, plants form a bushy mound of dark green leaves, bearing sprays of cherry-red flowers in mid to late spring.  1 gal. pots. $12.00 (fall)
Erigeron Darkest of All
Echium amoenum (Red Feathers) This Echium is a beautiful, xeric, small growing wildflower from western Asia with unusual russet-red flower spikes that resemble Liatris.

1 gal. plants $10.00.

Echium vulgare   also known as “Vipers Bugloss”, is one of the best plants you can grow to attract bees, especially native bumblebees The intense blue blooms have an extraordinary feature: the nectar  is produced all day, unlike most plants which produce nectar only briefly during the day. 3 inch pots. 3.00 Elsholtzia stauntonii Chinese Mint Shrub Sharply toothed, mint-scented, dark green leaves turn red in autumn. Slender spires of pale purple flower in late summer to autumn. Good Bee plant. 3 inch pots 10.00 Erigeron “Darkest of All” Fleabane Daisy  These  have similar flowers to the fall blooming Asters, but produce a showy summer-long display of violet-blue blowers. Attractive to butterflies. One gallon plants $8.00.   
Eryngium planum ‘Silver Blue’ has intense blue flowers on silvery blue. Also known as Sea Holly, these compact plants show off well with the Coastal Yellow Lupine. The exquisite blooms are good for cutting and drying. For drying, cut stems before flowers are fully open.
 One gallon plants $8.00.
Erigeron pumilus  Cheerful little Shaggy Fleabane (Shaggy Daisy) Is a xeric native to the Boise Foothills and will survive without additional water, but will flower much more vigorously if given a bit of extra moisture. 

3 inch pots. 3.00

Erythronium californicum Pagoda            This robust hybrid cross between E. tuolumnense and E. revolutum yields multiples of huge 2″-wide, lily-like, pendant sulfur-yellow flowers. grows to 12 to 14 ” 12.00  ea. Erythronium revolutum White Beauty               A more petite variety, White Beauty has 2″ -wide, lily-like, cream-white flowers that mature to white with variable red center rings and marbled foliage. . Height: 8″ to 10″. 12.00 ea. 

All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map..



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