I would love to hear from you. Call or contact me at bonsaiherb@gmail.com. Or leave me a “private message” in the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!
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Acer circinatum Vine Maple Spreading multi-trunked smaller maple species great for landscapes. A native it is appreciated for its fiery early autumn color. $12.00 for one gallon plants |
Acer buergeranum (Trident Maple) The spreading canopy makes this a beautiful small shade tree with a flaky, burnt orange bark. It is a favorite for bonsai..
10.00 for 1 gal. plants. |
Acer griseum Paperbark Maple One of my favorite maples, cherished in the landscape for its peeling tissue-thin coppery bark. Leaves turn scarlet and orange in fall. $15.00 for one gal. plants |
Acer palmatum var. atropurpureum.
These one‑year Bloodgood seedlings are a landscaping bargain. An inexpensive alternative to grafted varieties.
$12.00 for one gallon plants |
AGAPANTHUS AFRICANUS WHITE DWARF seedlings. These seedlings are hardy and deciduous. Long-lived and surprisingly hardy having been frozen solid numerous times. . One gal. cans 10.00. |
AGAPANTHUS AFRICANUS tall blue seedlings. This is a hardy deciduous form with blue trumpets. Summer blooming but if cut, it will rebloom a second time. One gallon cans 8.00 |
AGASTACHE ‘Golden Jubilee’ This golden leafed cultivar is a pollinator favorite with spikes of fragrant, tubular, lavender-blue flowers The leaves are licoricey aromatic. 4 inch pots 4.00 |
AGASTACHE mexicana (Giant Hyssop). Dense and lower growing foliage with a lemon fragrance. Brilliant pink to red flowers rise above from spring to summer. Plants are attractive to all pollinators. One gal. cans 8.00 |
Ajuga Chocolate Crisp A very compact, dwarf growth habit. The chocolate-colored leaves of these plants form a dense mat acting as an effective groundcover or look lovely spilling over the sides of containers. $5.00 for 3″ pots. |
Arum italicum (Italian Arum) Glossy green leaves marbled with silver appear in late winter. Flowers are interesting and are followed by upright stalks of bright orange-red berries. (Caution; berries are toxic) Is interesting planted with Hellebores. 4 ” pots $6.00 |
Artemisia dracunculus ‘Sativus’ French Tarragon Choice culinary herb boasts anise-scented leaves. Marvelous used fresh or dried. Tarragon and most herbs needs full sun for best flavor, and excellent drainage to thrive. Deer resistant. 6″ pots. $8.00 |
Aruncus dioicia ’dwarf form’ (Goat’s Beard) A fantastic native with large, fine-textured feathery blooms in late Spring. When happy, Aruncus can be quite large and lovely when used at woods edge. This selection is half that height. 4 ” pots $12.00 OUT OF STOCK |
Allium senescens var. ‘Glaucum’, known as curly allium, has very attractive foliage made up of fine blue-gray blades that form a swirling pattern. Pink flowers in the summer. Sun and drought tolerant.3.5 inch pots for $6.00 |
Allium senescens August Confection’ A curly allium hybrid that puts on a serious flower show in the summer. Clump forming and not invasive. Bees and pollinators love this plant. Sun and drought tolerant. 1 gal. pots for $12.00 |
Allium Millenium Unlike spring-blooming Allium bulbs, this hybrid Allium blooms into mid-summer with large globes of rose-pink flowers. Mature plants have dozens of globes covering the attractive, shiny deep-green grassy foliage.1 gal. plants 12.00 |
Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Mellow Yellow’ This selection features lacy golden yellow foliage with delicate white flowers. The leaves look almost fern-like and are a gorgeous accent beside bolder plants such as blue-leaved Hosta’s. 3 ” pots. 4.00 |
Anemone nemerosa (blue) is a spring groundcover that gives cheer to the shady garden. They increase by rhizomes and are dormant during much of the year. The well-divided foliage has a soft airy and is topped by inch-wide soft blue flowers.3.5 inch pots for $5.00 |
Anemone nemerosa ‘Flore Pleno’ is a groundcover work horse that blooms freely every spring and gives light to a shade or pt. shade garden. It goes dormant during the summer. The well-divided foliage is attractive and the flowers are double white. 3.5 inch pots for $10.00 (sold out) |
All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map..
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