Plants beginning with the Letter B

Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!

Directly to Plants: B  C  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  V W Z

Bergenia cord. Bressingham White
Brugmansia candida ANGEL’S TRUMPET is a  tender subtropical shrub to 12’ with huge, leaves and enormous, fragrant pendant, trumpet shaped flowers. . 1 gal. cans. 20.00  Brugmansia Sanguinea Orange Known as the Red Angel’s Trumpet, these have orange-red blooms, and are smaller than others in the genus, bring unusual color to your brugmansia collection. 4″ pots. 20.00 Bergenia cord.”Bressingham White” This clump-forming, incredibly hardy and reliably evergreen perennial has oval, glossy, deep green leaves that look good all year. In mid – and late spring it produces funnel-shaped, pure white flowers that contrast with the shiny foliage. 1 gal.cans 10.00 I also have Bergenia ‘Rotbluhm’ and a dwarf pink.

1 gallon cans 10.00


cyc. couem Fritillaria meleagris closeup
CYCLAMEN COUM This is a smaller leafed winter blooming cyclamen. The great foliage carries aloft mostly pink flowers that  bloom in Feb March and even into April and have beautifully round dark green leaves. 3 inch pots $8.00  Cyclamen hederifolium Fall Blooming Fragrant pale pink flowers with a red center, blooming in September and October. Beautifully heart shaped and sometimes marbled leaves. 4″ pots $5.00  Fritillaria meleagris: This prized bulb naturalizes well and has small, bell-shaped, checkered flowers in maroon-purple and white. 

3.5 inch pots.$4.00 FALL

I will be having three different Camassia by Fall.

Camassia Leichtlinii are in 3: pots and are 5.00 ea. QUAMASH  Camassa will be available in the fall as well as some cultivars.


All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map to my place.




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