I would love to hear from you. Call or contact me at bonsaiherb@gmail.com. or follow me if you have a Google account on my blog. Or leave me a “private message” in the contact form at the bottom of the page. New listings soon!
Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!
Due to PayPal’s inability to handle and charge appropriate fees for multiple combinations I decided to re-edit all my listings to a ‘plant cost only.’ At the bottom of each listing page will be three shipping alternatives.
Go directly to Plants: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
Ceanothus ‘Victoria’ in 3.5 inch pots. Masses of vivid dark blue flowers in spring, glossy green leaves. Needs well drained soils, otherwise it is tough and trouble free. Zn 7 $3.95 ea. [wpepsc name=”Ceanothus ‘Victoria'” price=”3.95″]
Chrsyanthemum (Chrysanthemopsis) hosmariense (Mt. Atlas Daisy) Nice one gallon plants will provide you with masses of blooms from spring to fall. Large yellow-eyed daises dance atop silver-grey foliage. This is one of my ten top rockery plants. Zn 8 $13.95 ea. and shipping in a large flat rate box. SOLD OUT
Corydalis flexuosa ‘Pere David’ Masses of pure blue flowers over dicentra-like foliage, making a vigorous clump in a cool humus position. In pots they are about 3″ tall, but can depending on plant siting be 6 to 12 ” tall.. Zn 7 3.5 inch pots $6.95 ea. and shipping. Corydalis is a wonderful spring and summer shade plant. Combine it with spring bulbs and perennials such as Tiarella, Dicentra, and Mertensia, or with hostas and ferns. Shooting Star also works well with this plant. [wpepsc name=”Corydalis f.. Pere David price=”6.95″]
Fall Blooming Cyclamen hederifolium
Fragrant pale pink flowers with a red center, blooming in September and October. Beautifully heart shaped and sometimes marbled leaves. 4″ pots $
4.95 a [wpepsc name=”Cyc. hed” price=”4.95″]
Hardy relative of the ever-popular florist’s cyclamen. These will grow and bloom in the shade. Once planted they can, if happy self-sow with abandon. Quite happy in shade or in the sun. These are every bit as charming as the florist variety and can be used as specimens in the rock garden, or as a great ground-covers under deciduous trees and shrubs. The leaves may vary, some are rounded and some are triangular, nearly all are marbled with white or cream. The flowers range from snow-white to pink. This is a must have for the fall garden! These are well established 3 1/2 pots and are guaranteed to bloom. Zones 4-5 and higher.
Delosperma ‘Oberg’ in 2 inch pots or 3.5. A hardy iceplant ground cover with – Bi-color pink buds – white flowers all summer!. Zn7 $3.50 ea. Full sun and good drainage, drought tolerant. the flowers are much whiter in bud and fade to pink! [wpepsc name=”Delosperma Oberg” price=”3.50″]

Dicentra Valentine
Dicentra sp. ‘Valentine’ NEW Dark green foliage with graceful arching stems that drip brilliant red hearts bleeding white. $16.95 In bloom and in one gallon cans. Best shipped in fall (in a large flat rate box) as they are in full blossom now. Zn3 [wpepsc name=” Dicentra sp. ‘Valentine'” price=”16.95″]
Gentiana acaulis ‘Holzmann’ Awesome large dark blue upward facing trumpets! In bloom now and in one quart cans. $16.95 Best shipped in fall (in a large flat rate box) as they are in blossom. The seed potential and divisions are worth the cost all in itself. (This is a picture of one of my own G. aucalus clumps. Holzmann has larger flowers. Zn3 [wpepsc name=”Gentiana ‘Holzmann'” price=”16.95″]
Feeling Blue – Grow Gentians!
Gentiana acaulis These are well established 3.5 inch pots and might bloom this fall. Dark blue upward facing trumpets! $4.95 (Four plants can fit in ONE medium flat rate box) (One picture of one of my own G. aucalus clumps used as a ground cover under a red Japanese maple. G. ‘Holzmann’ has larger flowers. Zn3 [wpepsc name=”Gentiana acaulis 3.5″ price=”4.95″]
Halimiocistus wintonensis ‘Merrist Wood Cream’ Fabulous pale creamy yellow flowers up to 2″ across with crimson maroon centers! In 3.5 inch pots. $3.95 ea. Full sun and good drainage, drought tolerant. Zn7 [wpepsc name=”Halimiocistus wintonensis ‘Merrist Wood Cream'” price=”3.95″]
Jovibarba heuffelii (yohv-ih-BAR-ba | heff-EL-ee-eye) are beautiful cold hardy and drought tolerant succulents with varying rich colors that may change by the season. They multiply from offsets which you cut with a knife to propagate. If left alone, the plants form lovely, large clumps and do not multiply on stolons as Sempervivum do. When you want to increase the numbers you cut them in pieces (on the dry side) and replant.These sempervivum relatives are cold hardy to USDA Zone 4 -20° to -30°F.
Jovibarba heuffelii ‘Beacon Hill’
‘Beacon Hill’ combines rosy-purple and gray-green on its satiny leaves. Native to the the Balkans and southern Carpathian mountains, it survives winter temperatures to USDA Zone 4.$6.95 for a 3.5 inch pot. [wpepsc name=”Jovibarba heuffelii ‘Beacon Hill'” price=”6.95″]
Lewisia c. “Regenbogon” Mixture of rainbow -based flower colors on a compact succulent – leaved alpine preferring semi-shade and fast drainage. Blooms May to August. In quart sized pots $7.95 and shipping. Zn 4. I also have smaller plants, do ask.[wpepsc name=” Lewisia c. ‘Regenbogen'” price=”7.95″]
Lewisia cotyledon makes an ideal rockery plant, or a wonderful specimen in a clay pot, tuffa planter. Well sited, single plants will life for 10 years or longer in ideal conditions and will reseed easily. Seedlings with good care can reach flowering potential in less than 3 years. In the winter put them under the western overhang of your house. 3.5 inch pots $4.95 ea..[wpepsc name=”Lewisia cotyledon” price=”4.95″]
Mint, Chocolate. One of my two favorite mints. Bronzy leaves and low growing, Chocolate mint is a great peppermint with distinct chocolate overtones. This useful mint plant will add an extra sensory delight when infused into coffee or hot chocolate. Some states may have import restrictions on mints! Take your chance. $3.95 and shipping. Zn 3 [wpepsc name=”Mint, Chocolate” price=”3.95″]
Ophiopogon jap. Nanus (in 3.5 inch pots. Dark forest green grassy foliage suitable as a bonsai companion plant. white- lavender blooms and if lucky navy blue berries. Zn7 $3.95 ea. [wpepsc name=”Ophiopogon jap. Nanus ” price=”3.95″]
Ophiopogon p. ‘Ebony Knight’ Slow grower with velvety black foliage, purple-white blooms and black pearl-like berries..NEW introduction In 3.5 inch pots. For best effect, combine with other interesting foliage colors like above or perhaps purple or red foliaged Heuchera. Zn 7 Quart sized pots. $7.95 ea. and shipping in a med. flat rate box. (Four plants mix or match can be shipped this way.) This picture is of the O. nigrescens and crocus in my garden.[wpepsc name=”Ophiopogon p. ‘Ebony Knight'” price=”7.95″]
Origanum ‘Herrenhausen’ A bountiful bloomer. In the fall, Origanum Herrenhausen makes an outstanding sight as the already dark-reddish violet flowers of late summer are seen against the basal leaves which become redder – until almost purple. Attractive to butterflies and is drought and deer resistant. Z 5-9 Pot size is 3.5 inches and the price is $3.95. [wpepsc name=”Origanum Herrenhausen” price=”3.95″]
Ranunculus ficaria ‘Brazen Hussy’ goes dormant during the summer – a serious problem in the garden bed that continues to get over fertilized
(article) Brazen Hussy has dark bronze foliage with brassy yellow flowers. Suitably showy for a plant introduced by Christopher Lloyd. Jan-March. Pops up, struts its stuff and disappears. Sun or part shade. Any not too dry soil. Ht. 2 “. Sp. 16”.Hardiness Zone 5-9 Smaller pots
. $5.95 [wpepsc name=”Ranunculus ficaria ‘Brazen Hussy’ ” price=”5.95″]
Rhodohypoxis baurii (Stargrass) Is an enchanting small plant (bulb) originating in S. Africa. They form colorful carpets of flowers and thrive in rocky well drained places and their small grass-like leaves resemble a small blooming lawn. My collection had three different cultivars ranging from two pinks and a white. The plant is rarely offered and is often used as an accent in the bonsai trade. (Keep on dry side in winter and protect from mice!) Zn 8 3.5 inch pots $9.95 and $5.95 for fall shipping will give you a well filled pot. Order now and I will label your plant and tag the largest pots for later delivery This is only for the R. baurii ‘Red’ (deep pink). So far I have only found two R. ‘Tetra Pink” light pink & hairy foliage and the whites will be equally sparse. FALL delivery! [wpepsc name=”Rhodohypoxis baurii RED (Stargrass)” price=”9.95″]
Sedum rupestre‘ Angelina’ will liven up any garden with its gold-yellow, evergreen, needle-like foliage. Prefers well drained soils but is drought tolerant and makes an excellent ground cover. As an addition to dark blue or black containers it is a knockout.
Hardiness Zn 3-10 [wpepsc name=”Sedum ‘Angelina”” price=”2.95″]
Ground Cover Sedum Collection: 6 different ground cover plants in 2 inch pots, partially bare rooted. $12.00. I can also include a “hardy iceplant’ but only if you live above a Zn 7 climate zone.Hardiness Zn 3-10 [wpepsc name=”Sedum 2 inch asst.” price=”12.00″]
Sempervivum mix— succulents that can take severe winter cold, popularly called hens and chicks. 3 inch pots
$3.95 ea. and bare rooted
. Do check out my
Jovibarba page (their cousins.
) Do
check out this red whopper. I only have two of them but they are six inches across! [wpepsc name=”Sempervivum mix” price=”3.95″]
Silene uniflora ‘Druett’s Variegated’ A selected cultivar from England, forming a low cushion of fleshy green leaves, smartly edged in creamy-white. White flowers in spring. Combines beautifully with any of the lower alpine types or as a contrast to bolder leaved plants like Bergenia. $5.95 and shipping. Zn 4a-9b [wpepsc name=”Silene uniflora ‘Druett’s Variegated’” price=”5.95″]
This is a closeup of Western Mountain Kittentails
Synthyris missurica ssp. stellata, photo by Paul Slichter
This WA. Wildflower looks good even when not in bloom as the foliage is evergreen. Forming a dense, low mound. Even when not in bloom, it looks good because the foliage is evergreen. Forming a dense, low mound and is the earliest blooming plant in my garden. This is often found in partly shaded sites but in the PNW, I have grown it in sun. Limited amount available. These are in 3.5 inch pots and will be $9.95 ea..Anothe
r picture of the plant. [wpepsc name=”Synthyris stellata” price=”9.95″]
Teucrium scorodonia ‘Crispum’ (Wood Sage) Tough but frilly. The unusual, eye-catching leaves of this dwarf, slowly-spreading shrub are lime-green, 2-3″long with a wavy, crinkled appearance. Tough and drought-tolerant it deserves much more use. It would also be a fun addition to a child’s garden – a treat for sight and touch alike. PSh-Sun Zn 5 $3.95 and shipping [wpepsc name=”Teucrium scorodonia ‘Crispum'” price=”3.95″]

Viola ‘Irish Molly.’ While I’m in a black mood I added this.Viola. ‘Molly Sanderson’ is one of the few plants to have black flowers, making it perfect for eye-catching color schemes.in quart sized pots. $6.95 and shipping Only four left! .[wpepsc name=”Viola ‘Irish Molly.'” price=”6.95″]
One of these must be chosen before I can ship.[wpepsc name=”Single purchase” price=”7.95″]1 plant (Single purchase) $7.95
4-6 plants (Med. flat rate) $12.50 [wpepsc name=”Medium flat rate box” price=”12.95″]
6-9 plants (Lg. flat rate) $16.95 [wpepsc name=”Large flat rate box” price=”16.95″]
All plants can be picked up at my place given notice.
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