Sedums for Sale

Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!

Due to PayPal’s inability to handle and charge appropriate fees for multiple combinations I decided to re-edit all my listings to a ‘plant cost only.’  At the bottom of each listing page will be three shipping alternatives.

Go directly to Plants: B  C  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  V W Z

Sedums and hardy Succulents — hardy ground cover forms that can are hardy to at least z8.  These Ground Cover Succulents: Low growing or trailing succulents of various color, form, and texture. Given proper drainage most are easy to grow, spread rapidly, and give great diversity to areas of special interest. Try them in a combination to make great container plants or a smashing rock garden display.

Delosperma Oberg
Summer blooming hardy iceplant (June – Aug). This S. African ground cover offers a profusion of small daisy-like flowers that bud out pink but open to white, producing a bicolor effect near non-stop. The low growing mat of gray-green leaves is very drought tolerant. (Fire resistant too!) Zn 8-11 although some claim it will grow in Zn 7. Deer resistant! Small plants $2.95 ea. [wpepsc name=”Del. Oberg ” price=”2.95″]
Delosperma congestum ‘Gold Nugget’ Summer blooming hardy iceplant (June – Aug). This low growing S. African groundcover offers a profusion of bright gold daisy-like flowers begins blooming in June and continues through summer. This very drought tolerant plant is great for dry areas and rock gardens. (Fire resistant too!) Zn 7-11 although some claim it will grow in Zn 6. Deer resistant! Small plants$2.95 ea. [wpepsc name=”Del. congestum gold nugget” price=”2.95″]
Del. Beaufort West
Delosperma ‘Beaufort West’ (Ice Plant) Summer blooming hardy iceplant (June – Aug). This low growing S. African groundcover offers a profusion of pastel pink flowers with white flowers in June and continues through summer. The dark green foliage is drought tolerant plant and great for dry areas and rock gardens. (Fire resistant too!) Plant in gravely soil with good drainage. Zn 7-11 although some claim it will grow in Zn 6. Deer resistant! 3.5″ plants $4.95 ea. [wpepsc name=”Del. Beaufort Westt” price=”4.95″]
Sedum reflexum ‘Angelina’ Also known as Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina.’ Angelina shines with brilliant golden-yellow foliage. that is low growing, with needle-like evergreen leaves that look like a yellow, miniature spruce. $2.95 ea. [wpepsc name=”Sedum Angelina ” price=”2.95″]
Jov and semp.
 Ground Cover Sedum Collection: 6 ground cover plants. Low growing or trailing succulents of various color, form, and texture. Six different plants (Barerooted) for $19.95 shipping included. [wpepsc name=”Sedum collection ” price=”19.95″] Full 2 inch pots.

Sedum spath. red
Sedum spathifolium is a plant I have encountered climbing up and down rock cliffs and shady banks from WA state to CA. I would add it to my native wildflower list for the color it adds to those rocky beach environs. There are two basic cultivars. One is S. ‘Purpureum’ with heavily purple-tinged leaves and the other is a bright gray leafed form named ‘Cape Blanco.’ Both are wonderful and I have them in two inch pots for $2.95 ea.  Both have bright yellow blooms in the summer. [wpepsc name=”Sedum spath.” price=”2.95″]

You might also request both their inclusions in the SPECIAL six pack deal.

Semp. arach.

Sedum spectabilis ‘Autumn Joy’ Also known as ‘Herbstfreude’ well describes this dependable and adaptable plant. Its flowers bloom from August into November; they open pink and mature to a copper befitting of autumn. It is 2 feet tall and wide, with succulent stems and leaves. ‘Autumn Joy’ is exceptional with ornamental grasses  $3.95 ea. [ [wpepsc name=”Sedum Autumn Joy” price=”3.95″]
4 inch semps 
Sempervivum mix— succulents that can take severe winter cold, popularly called hens and chicks. 3 inch  pots $3.95 ea. and bare rooted. Do check out my Jovibarba page (their cousins.)  [wpepsc name=”Sempervivum mix” price=”3.95″]

One of these must be chosen before I can ship. [wpepsc name="Single purchase" price="7.95"]1 plant (Single purchase) $7.95

4-6 plants (Med. flat rate) $12.50 [wpepsc name="Medium flat rate box" price="12.95"]

6-9 plants (Lg. flat rate) $16.95 [wpepsc name="Large flat rate box" price="16.95"]

All plants can be picked up at my place given notice.

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