Plants starting with G

Plants will vary in price and container size Some will only be available during dormancy – late Fall or early Spring — and will be updated this winter. Seed or plant exchanges are always welcome!

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Galanthus nivalis and hybrids

Galanthus G. Mighty Atom
The drooping white flowers of G. nivalis, the common snowdrop are familiar to most. Less well known are the dozens or more varieties that include doubles or larger flowered forms. Nivalis is 3.00  The second picture is is of the cultivar Mighty Atom’ snowdrops. These plants are in 3.5 inch pots.

 Price is $7.00

Galanthus Hippolyta An award-winning British hybrid with pendant, round compact flowers with green spots. Interior green petals with white. 6.00


Galanthus nivalis Flore Pleno Double Snowdrop has a double layer of milky-white, drooping flowers tipped green. All of these naturalize. 6.00
[Plant with early blooming primroses, Cyclamen couem or Iris reticulata — purples esp. Hardiness z 5  Bloom: Feb. March Light: Excellent for sun or in part shade which gives me a segue to cyclamen.

gentian gentian under maple
Gentiana acaulis ‘Holzmann’ Awesome large dark blue upward  facing trumpets! In bloom now and in 3 inch pots. $16.00    Gentiana acaulis  These are well established 3.5 inch pots and might bloom this fall. Dark blue upward facing trumpets! 16.00 

 Other varieties available.

Gentiana acaulis Hybrid ‘Renate’

One of heaviest and most reliable bloomers in in the main season, with medium large flowers in dark blue, some rebloom in summer and fall. 


Gentiana angustifolia-Hybrid

Angustifolia means “narrow-leaved”. This particular one at hand fits the description to the point. Grows rather slow and stays in tight clumps. Seedling grown which will vary. 16.00

Gentiana septemfida, the crested gentian or summer gentian, is a species of flowering plant native to the Caucasus and Turkey. It is a low-growing specie and blooms from July to August. 16.00 ea.  Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Album’ (Bigroot Geranium) Pink white flowers from spring to summer, rise above  deer resistant, highly aromatic evergreen foliage.  1 gal. cans. $6.00  Gunnera tinctoria 
Gunnera is one of S. America’s  contributions to our gardens. The plant likes a boggy area best, but can be grown in average conditions if watered weekly. Sold out quickly at 18.00. Few repotted   2 gal. plants left at 25.00
Ginkgo b. ‘Autumn Gold’ Among the most popular of the fruitless male selections. With age it attains a handsome form and consistent brilliant gold color in autumn. 
Zones: 4-8
Growth Habit: Tree
Height: 30-40
Spread: 30+)39.00

All plants can be picked up at my place given notice. Hope to see you soon. The Google Map.. (Open 9-4 by appt. or Saturdays.)

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